Yes, we (Martina, Pau, and me) are participating again.
First LEGO League Junior (ESP)
Table of Contents
0. General Stuff
1. Session, 25th of September, 2016
2. Session, 2nd of October, 2016
3. Session, 9th of November, 2016
0. General
1. Session, 25th of September, 2017
First all children build a duck from 6 given pieces. Every duck was of course different.
Afterwards we started to build one of the given Boost models. After a small vote we decided to build the mount robot.
2. Session, 2nd of October , 2017
We started with team building and values (Video Team Values). Finally all children build a free model of something related to water, from arbitrary bricks and plates available.
There is a shower, a fountain and a water lily.
3. Session, 9th of October , 2017